Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Day of Thanksgiving #20: Someone who just gets me. Tonight I went to a movie with a friend. And it takes a certain friend to see this movie with me. My girlfriend and I saw High School Musical 3. We, along with 3 other people in the whole theater, got comfy in the front row of the theater, junk food at either side of us, as we laughed and laughed and laughed at the humorous yet entertaining movie.

The tone of the movie affected our moods afterwards as we continued the laughter over STUPID stuff....getting gas, talking about our messy cars, being "honest" with eachother, and making silly pun jokes.

Sometimes, I'm just really thankful for a friend that I can wake up the next morning and know they still think I'm cool - even though I acted as crazy as I did. She just gets me.

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